• Polopique - A&T for Microsoft Dynamics AX

POLOPIQUE Group from Portugal has selected Arquiconsult and Porini solution Apparel and Textile for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Decision on moving to a new integrated system was taken at the end of 2013. The strategy was to support current and new business areas in a multi-company organization, continuously growing and changing, where agility in decision making and flexibility are very critical.

Polopique went through a selection among the most important players in the market and finally selected Arquiconsult with PORINI Apparel & Textile for Microsoft Dynamics AX as their ERP solution for the future.

“This decision was taken because of the completion and integration of the solution, its scalability, flexibility, user friendliness and natural connection with office tools. Very important was also the vertical solution created by Porini that completely meets the requirements of a company like ours”

says Isabel Carneiro, board member of Polopique. This is a unique company in the actual Portuguese market

“we offer to our customers 4 weeks or less lead time, from design to delivery and from fiber to final product. To do this we need to have an incredible and versatile team but also a system that supports this speed without losing traceability, flexibility without losing control and having in mind always an integrated planning”

complemented Isabel Carneiro.

Another key factor for the decision has been the selected partner, Arquiconsult,

“It is very important to have a local partner with extensive knowledge on implementing AX projects and also local experience and support to Portuguese law and obligations”

says Fernanda Martins, CIO of the group.

About Polopique: Polopique is one of the biggest apparel & textile group in Portugal and within the top 3 on exporting. With a large experience in providing final products to their customers, Polopique, against all odds, focus on vertical production to achieve an incredible time to market of less than 4 weeks. From spinning till cutting and sewing, with weaving, knitting and finishing processes, Polopique offer a full package to customers. With a turnover of more than 100 million euros, has been continuously growing in the last years and plans to expand a lot more in the future.

More information about Arquiconsult




Apparel & Textile 4 AX
Dynamics ERP

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