Social Business Forum 2016: ‘The Platfirm Age’

ico-engPorini Insight will attend as a sponsor the Social Business Forum that will be held on the 6th and the 7th of July at the Hotel Marriott in Milan.

The ‘Platfirm age is the challenging claim of the event: international speakers and business leaders will talk about the evolution of the digital transformation to the ‘platforms’ meant as an overview of services.

Organizations, business leaders and professionals from various B2B and B2C industry will compare themselves on these 10 themes: Agile Marketing Technologies, On-Demand Networked Markets, Collaborative Behavior Design, Building A DevOps Organization, Data Intelligence & Monetisation, Workforce Augmented Learning, Hacking The Content Formula, Crowd Innovation Management, Digital Talents: Mindsets & Skills, The Internet of Enchanted Thing.

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ico-itaPorini Insight sarà presente come sponsor al Social Business Forum che si terrà il 6 e 7 luglio presso l’Hotel Marriott di Milano.

‘The Platfirm age’ è il claim provocatorio dell’evento: speaker internazionali e business leader parleranno dell’evoluzione dalla trasformazione digitale verso piattaforme come ecosistema di servizi.

Sono 10 i temi selezionati quest’anno su cui saranno chiamati a confrontarsi organizzazioni, business leader e professionisti di varie industry sia B2B che B2C: Agile Marketing Technologies, On-Demand Networked Markets, Collaborative Behavior Design, Building A DevOps Organization, Data Intelligence & Monetisation, Workforce Augmented Learning, Hacking The Content Formula, Crowd Innovation Management, Digital Talents: Mindsets & Skills, The Internet of Enchanted Thing.
