Tag Archive for: Microsoft Azure Machine Learning

Azure Machine learning in a day - On this training day, we will introduce the Machine Learning and Azure Machine Learning Studio through guided workshops.

Azure Machine Learning in a Day – October 25th

ico-engMicrosoft House – Briefing Suite
Viale Pasubio 21 – Milano

On this training day, we will introduce the Machine Learning and Azure Machine Learning Studio. We will be able to experiment directly through guided workshops with different functions: Azure Machine Learning, how to develop experiments, how to evaluate models and use them in our applications.

Spend a day with professionals who will guide and follow you throughout the day and who will be at your disposal to discuss your specific needs.


  • Availability of your own PC
  • Have a Microsoft Account (if any participant does not have a Microsoft Account, they will be provided with one for educational use)
  • Access to the following link: https://studio.azureml.net/


09:00 – 09:30 Registration and Welcome Coffee
09:30 – 13:00 Introduction to Machine Learning

Overview of Azure data management and processing tools

Basic theory Machine Learning

Microsoft Machine Learning Tools

Predictive Maintenance

Analytics 4 Operations

13:00 – 14:00 Pranzo
14:00 – 17:30 Hands on Lab

AzureML Overview & Setup

AzureML Experiments & Data Interaction

Azure ML Evaluate & Consume Models

Recommendation System


Registration is closed


ico-itaMicrosoft House – Briefing Suite
Viale Pasubio 21 – Milano

In questa giornata di formazione, introdurremo il Machine Learning e Azure Machine Learning Studio. Avremo modo di sperimentare direttamente tramite dei laboratori guidati diverse funzionalità: Azure Machine Learning, come sviluppare esperimenti, come valutare modelli ed utilizzarli nelle nostre applicazioni.

Passa una giornata con dei professionisti che ti guideranno e seguiranno durante tutta la giornata e che saranno a tua disposizione per discutere delle tue esigenze specifiche.


  • Disponibilità di un proprio PC
  • Essere in possesso di un Microsoft Account (se qualche partecipante non dispone di un Microsoft Account, gliene verrà fornito uno ad uso didattico)
  • Poter accedere al seguente link: https://studio.azureml.net/


09:00 – 09:30 Registrazione e Welcome Coffee
09:30 – 13:00 Introduzione al Machine Learning

Panoramica degli strumenti Azure per gestione ed elaborazione dei dati

Teoria base Machine Learning

Microsoft Machine Learning Tools

Predictive Maintenance

Analytics 4 Operations

13:00 – 14:00 Pranzo
14:00 – 17:30 Hands on Lab

AzureML Overview & Setup

AzureML Experiments & Data Interaction

Azure ML Evaluate & Consume Models

Recommendation System


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