Tag Archive for: Microsoft Azure Machine Learning
Azure Machine Learning in a Day – October 25th
Microsoft House – Briefing Suite
Viale Pasubio 21 – Milano
On this training day, we will introduce the Machine Learning and Azure Machine Learning Studio. We will be able to experiment directly through guided workshops with different functions: Azure Machine Learning, how to develop experiments, how to evaluate models and use them in our applications.
Spend a day with professionals who will guide and follow you throughout the day and who will be at your disposal to discuss your specific needs.
- Prerequisites
- Availability of your own PC
- Have a Microsoft Account (if any participant does not have a Microsoft Account, they will be provided with one for educational use)
- Access to the following link: https://studio.azureml.net/
09:00 – 09:30 | Registration and Welcome Coffee |
09:30 – 13:00 | Introduction to Machine Learning
Overview of Azure data management and processing tools Basic theory Machine Learning Microsoft Machine Learning Tools Predictive Maintenance Analytics 4 Operations |
13:00 – 14:00 | Pranzo |
14:00 – 17:30 | Hands on Lab
AzureML Overview & Setup AzureML Experiments & Data Interaction Azure ML Evaluate & Consume Models Recommendation System |
Registration is closed
Microsoft House – Briefing Suite
Viale Pasubio 21 – Milano
In questa giornata di formazione, introdurremo il Machine Learning e Azure Machine Learning Studio. Avremo modo di sperimentare direttamente tramite dei laboratori guidati diverse funzionalità: Azure Machine Learning, come sviluppare esperimenti, come valutare modelli ed utilizzarli nelle nostre applicazioni.
Passa una giornata con dei professionisti che ti guideranno e seguiranno durante tutta la giornata e che saranno a tua disposizione per discutere delle tue esigenze specifiche.
- Disponibilità di un proprio PC
- Essere in possesso di un Microsoft Account (se qualche partecipante non dispone di un Microsoft Account, gliene verrà fornito uno ad uso didattico)
- Poter accedere al seguente link: https://studio.azureml.net/
09:00 – 09:30 | Registrazione e Welcome Coffee |
09:30 – 13:00 | Introduzione al Machine Learning
Panoramica degli strumenti Azure per gestione ed elaborazione dei dati Teoria base Machine Learning Microsoft Machine Learning Tools Predictive Maintenance Analytics 4 Operations |
13:00 – 14:00 | Pranzo |
14:00 – 17:30 | Hands on Lab
AzureML Overview & Setup AzureML Experiments & Data Interaction Azure ML Evaluate & Consume Models Recommendation System |
Le iscrizioni sono chiuse
Porini is the DGS Group Competence Center specialized in the design and implementation of ERP, Business Intelligence, Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IOT, Performance Management, XRM, CRM, PowerApps, Supply Chain Management, Collaboration and Knowledge Management solutions; all based on Microsoft Cloud Platforms.
Porini helps organizations developing innovative best practices to improve corporate governance systems and processes.
Share capital: 267.000 €
VAT N° : IT01257760130
REA : CO – 158527
Phone : (+39) 02.8721132
E-mail : info@porini.it