Porini Vision Keynote and Gold Celebration

Porini future vision: Experience reinvented


ico-engPorini Vision Keynote and Golden Celebrations
Como  2018, March 22-23

The year was 1968… The Beatles published “Ehy Jude”, “Once Upon A Time In The West” and “2001: A Space Odyssey” were released in cinemas, Nino Benvenuti defeated Emile Griffith and returned to be the  Middleweight World boxing Champions, Richard Nixon was elected 37th President of the United States, Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia to halt the Prague Spring, Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, Italy won the European Football Championship…
And just 1968 in Como, Ezechiele Porini founded Porini, a company connected to the area and for this reason specialized in ERP solutions and specific consultancy for companies in the fashion, clothing and textile sector.

Since that far 1968 many things have changed…. but Porini is always in business!

Since then we had gained a lot of of experience, expanded our expertise becoming a Microsoft ISV and a primary System Integrator, we had grown to become a relevant international reality, diversifying  our portfolio with a wide range of solutions: Social CRM, Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT, Performance Management, Collaboration and Knowledge Management targeted to medium and large companies in many industry sectors.

And from the 7 employees of 1968, the team now consists of more than 100 professionals, located in 4 offices in Europe (3 in Italy and 1 in Portugal), 1 in the U. S. A. and 1 in India, with hundreds of projects realized, customers in 5 continents and an installed base of more than 20,000 users on our applications.

In the year of our 50th anniversary we organized in the wonderful venue of the Palace Hotel in Como a great two-day event to celebrate with customers, partners, friends and all our staff this important achievement and to look together at the new challenges in the coming years.

During the Vision Keynote on March 22nd we retraced Porini’s history and outlined the future view of the scenarios we want to face, bringing value to our current and future customers in the field of ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence and IoT. Microsoft, our strategic partner described the trends for the market in the upcoming years; an interesting starting point to understand the road that companies have yet to take along the journey of Digital Transformation.

March 23rd was instead dedicated to the periodic appointments of Customer Lab and Partner Meeting.

These two workshops has been an opportunity to show to customers and partners the new Porini 365 suite: reviewing the latest news on Porini 365 ERP, the ERP dedicated to fashion and textile which is historically our main industry, but also introducing solutions for Collaboration, CRM and Analytics products cross industries tailored.

This year, more than ever, stimulating and constructive discussions with Microsoft, customers and partners have been the key to looking back at our past, taking stock of the present and together outlining the future path to support companies in their digital evolution journey day after day.


Thank you all for participating and… be with us for the next 50 years!



Porini Vision Keynote e Golden Celebrations
Como 22 e 23 marzo, 2018

Correva l’anno 1968… i Beatles pubblicavano “Ehy Jude”, nelle sale cinematografiche uscivano “C’era una volta il West” e “2001: Odissea nello spazio”, Nino Benvenuti batteva Emile Griffith e tornava ad essere campione mondiale dei pesi medi di pugilato, Nixon veniva eletto 37° presidente degli USA, le truppe del Patto di Varsavia invadevano la Cecoslovacchia in risposta alla Primavera di PragaMartin Luther Kingveniva assassinato a Memphis, l’Italia vinceva i Campionati Europei di calcio… E proprio nel 1968 a Como, Ezechiele Porini fondava l’omonima azienda, una società legata al territorio e per questo specializzata in soluzioni ERP e consulenza specifici per le imprese del settore moda, abbigliamento e tessile.

Da quel lontano 1968 molte cose sono cambiate… ma Porini è sempre in attività!

Abbiamo maturato negli anni una grande esperienza, ampliato le nostre competenze diventando un ISV Microsoft ed un System Integrator di primaria importanza, e siamo cresciuti fino a diventare una importante realtà internazionale, includendo nel nostro portfolio soluzioni di Social CRM, Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT, Performance Management, Collaboration e Knowledge Management per società di medie e grandi dimensioni di molti settori industriali.

E dai 7 dipendenti del 1968, il team è composto oggi di oltre 100 professionisti, dislocati in 4 sedi in Europa (tre in Italia e una in Portogallo), una in U.S.A. e una in India, con centinaia di progetti realizzati, clienti in 5 continenti e una base installata di oltre 20.000 utenti sulle nostre applicazioni.

Nell’anno del nostro 50° anniversario abbiamo organizzato nella splendida cornice del Palace Hotel di Como un grande evento celebrativo di due giorni per festeggiare con clienti, partner, amici e tutto il nostro staff il traguardo raggiunto e guardare insieme alle sfide che ci aspettano nei prossimi anni.

Durante il Vision Keynote del 22 marzo abbiamo ripercorso la storia di Porini e delineato gli scenari futuri e le nuove sfide con cui vogliamo misurarci per portare valore ai nostri clienti attuali e futuri nel campo dell’ERP, del CRM, della Business Intelligence e dell’IoT. Il nostro partner strategico Microsoft ha raccontato le tendenze per il mercato nei prossimi anni; un punto di partenza interessante per capire la strada che le aziende devono ancora compiere lungo il percorso della Digital Transformation.

La giornata del 23 marzo è stata invece dedicata ai consueti appuntamenti del Customer Lab e del Partner Meeting.

I due appuntamenti sono stati l’occasione per presentare ai clienti e ai partner la nuova suite Porini 365: le ultime novità dell’ERP dedicato al fashion and textile, storicamente il nostro settore di riferimento, ma anche prodotti di Collaboration, CRM e Analytics utili per tutti i settori industriali.

Il confronto stimolante e costruttivo con Microsoft, clienti e partner è stato quest’anno più che mai la chiave per guardare al nostro passato, fare il punto sul presente e delineare insieme il cammino futuro, per affiancare giorno dopo giorno le imprese nell’evoluzione del proprio business.

Grazie a tutti per aver partecipato e… be with us for the next 50 years!


01/03/2018 | Milan – Tunis

Porini is happy to announce the signature of a partnership agreement with Isatech Africa, subsidiary of the well-known French company Isatech France and the largest Tunisian Microsoft Dynamics Partner.

In force of this agreement Isatech Africa will sell and implement the Porini vertical solution for textile and apparel companies in Northern Africa French speaking countries. The agreement has already lead to win the first customer in Tunisia (a large apparel manufacturer company). Tunisia is known for having a large and consolidated number of textile and garment manufacturing companies and named for being a sourcing base for the entire apparel business in Europe, based in the Mediterranean Sea.

“We have started to know Porini in the earliest days of the launch of Porini vertical solution 10 years ago, and we have followed since then their progressive diffusion within the textile and apparel markets all around the world. While the Tunisian apparel manufacturing market is becoming more and more mature and with its considerable size, we have realized that the Porini vertical is a perfect fit and brings many new business opportunities, having many references and customers of all sizes that can testimony the power, the value and the achievable benefits of the solution.”

says Jalel Besbes, General Manager of Isatech Africa.

“Despite Tunisia being a relative small country, yet the number of textile and garment manufacturing companies of medium to large size is remarkable. This fact, together with its proximity in the Mediterranean Sea, the cultural affinity and long -lasting business cooperation with Italy and France, contributes to make Tunisia a great potential market for Porini solutions”

says Giuseppe Ghisoni, International Partner Manager at Porini.

Based in Tunis, Isatech Africa is a subsidiary of Isatech Group, one of the largest Microsoft Dynamics Partners in France. Isatech Africa is fully dedicated to Dynamics ERP and covers the entire North Africa territory.

For more information: www.deltagroup.com.tn



Machine Learning In A Day

Azure Machine Learning in a day

ico-engMicrosoft House – Viale Pasubio 21 Milano
2018 April 5th

Discover the potential of Machine Learning. On this training day, Porini experts will introduce the tools of Cortana Intelligence Suite and Azure Machine Learning Studio.
During the sessions, the characteristics of Azure Machine Learning, programming experiments and experiments applied to real-life cases will be shown.

Spend a day with Porini Team who will guide and follow you throughout the day and who will be available to discuss your specific needs.



Microsoft House – Viale Pasubio 21 Milano
5 Aprile 2018

Scopri le potenzialità del Machine Learning. In questa giornata di formazione, gli esperti di Porini introdurranno gli strumenti di Cortana Intelligence Suite e Azure Machine Learning Studio. Durante le sessioni verranno mostrate le caratteristiche del Machine Learning di Azure, esperimenti di programmazione ed esperimenti applicati a casi d’uso reali.

Passa una giornata con il team Porini che ti guiderà e seguirà durante tutta la giornata e che sarà a tua disposizione per discutere delle tue esigenze specifiche.

Il Machine Learning permette ai computer di apprendere dai dati e dalle esperienze e di agire senza essere programmati esplicitamente. Gli utenti possono creare applicazioni con intelligenza artificiale che percepiscono ed elaborano informazioni e agiscono in modo intelligente in base alle informazioni, aumentando le capacità umane, incrementando la velocità e l’efficienza e aiutando le organizzazioni a ottenere il massimo.

9.15 – 9.30 Caffè e introduzione ai lavori
9.30 – 10.30 Cortana Intelligence Suite:
overview e moduli
10.30 – 11.30 Cortana Intelligence Suite applicata ai Social Media
11.30 – 12.00 Introduzione a Azure Machine Learning
12.00 – 12.30 Q&A
12.30 – 13.30 Pranzo
13.30 – 14.45 Use Case Marketing:
Customer Behaviour con Azure ML
14-45 – 15.45 Use Case Manufacturing:
Predictive Maintenance con Azure ML
15.45 – 16.45 Q&A
16.45 – 17.30 Use Case Supply Chain:
Time Series Prediction con Azure ML


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