Tag Archive for: Microsoft Power BI

ico-engPorini Insight in cooperation with Microsoft Italy has planned some workshops presenting the latest solutions  to support CFO and HR managers.

2015, December 15th.Economical planning processes and Financial Planning simulation

During this workshop it will be shown the solution framework realised by Porini Insight based on Microsoft BI platform (Microsoft Excel Power Pivot, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Sharepoint) enabling the support of the economical and financial processes’  planning adopting multi-dimensional logics and scenarios.

2015, December 17th. Performance measurement and management of Human Resources

During this workshop it will be shown the solution framework realised by Porini Insight based on Microsoft platform in order to support HR managers in human resources structured information management and the approach to key indicators & performance measurement analysis.

Event partecipation is free but registration is required. Limited seats available.

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Gli Analytics a supporto dei processi di business

ico-itaPorini Insight in collaborazione con Microsoft organizza una serie di iniziative per presentare le soluzioni a supporto delle funzioni Finance e Human Resources.

15 dicembre La Gestione dei processi di Pianificazione Economica e Simulazione Finanziaria

Durante il workshop verrà presentato il “solution framework ideato e realizzato da Porini Insight su piattaforma Microsoft BI (Microsoft Excel Power Pivot, Microsoft SQL Server e Microsoft Sharepoint) a supporto dei processi di simulazione economica-patrimoniale e finanziaria in logica multidimensionale per scenari.

17 dicembre Gestione e Performance Measurement delle Risorse Umane

Durante il Workshop verranno illustrate le soluzioni progettate e realizzate da Porini Insight su piattaforma Microsoft per supportare gli HR Manager nella gestione strutturata delle informazioni relative alle risorse umane e per effettuare Analisi & Performance Measurement degli indicatori chiave della funzione HR.

Microsoft House – Corso Vercelli, 24 Milano

Evento gratuito posti limitati.

Info: marketing@porini.it


ico-eng2015 November 19th, Milan: During the workshop organised in collaboration with Microsoft, it will be shown a typical path of a modern company together with its data scientists, in order to support business needs based on “Predictive Analytics” in the Big Data Era. Nowadays the capacity of extracting data to predict a trend or specific behaviours, it is becoming an important strategic factor. Workshop will showcase use cases derived from real experiences on Microsoft’s Predictive Analytics technologies and Machine Learning, illustrating how those tools allowed to define clustering models, predictions and recommendations which allow to support modern customers needs.


Le analisi predittive nell’era dei Big Data come fattore strategico per il business

ico-ita19 Novembre, Milano: Durante il workshop organizzato in collaborazione con Microsoft, verrà mostrato il percorso tipico di un’azienda moderna e dei suoi Data Scientist per supportare le esigenze di business e di “Predictive analytics” nell’era dei BIG DATA.  Nella realtà attuale infatti, la capacità di estrarre informazioni dai dati e poter prevedere trend o comportamenti di determinati fenomeni diventa un fattore strategico sempre più importante.  Durante il workshop verranno affrontati alcuni “Use Cases” tratti da esperienze reali dove le tecnologie di Predictive Analytics e di Machine Learning messe a disposizione da Microsoft hanno consentito di elaborare dei modelli di Clustering, Prediction e Recommendation che permettono di rispondere efficacemente e tempestivamente alle esigenze dei moderni contesti aziendali


15.30 – 16.00                Registrazione e Welcome coffee

16.00 – 16.15                Benvenuto, a cura di Porini Insight

16.15 – 17.00                La Business Intelligence nella visione strategica di Microsoft, M. De Rosa Microsoft

17.00 – 17.45                Le analisi predittive nell’era dei Big Data come fattore strategico per il business, T.Pozzi CEO Porini Insight

17.45 – 18.15                Le soluzioni di Business Analytics di Microsoft a supporto della gestione del processo di                                                           Health,Safety and Environment Management: il caso Tenaris, A.Caffi, IT Project Manager di Tenaris

18.15 – 18.30                Q&A

18.30                            Aperitivo

Location: Ristorante Canter 1920 presso Ippodromo Via Pegaso, 14 – Milano

Info marketing@porini.it

Event partecipation is free but registration is required. Limited seats available.

From 5th to 7th October in Mannheim, Germany, Porini attended to Directions EMEA 2015 – Connected InNAVation, the annual meeting for european community of Microsoft Dynamics partners.​​

The focus was Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, the new release of Microsoft business management solution for small and mid-sized organizations. In addition to enhance and extend the functionality of 2015 version, the main innovations are:

  • Works natively with Microsoft Dynamics CRM;
  • Works natively with Microsoft Azure e Office 365;
  • Integration with Microsoft Power BI;
  • Universal App on all devices, with new interface for mobile (Windows, iOS e Android);
  • New management of workflows​.

Porini announces that Porininsight, Porini Group ​member firm specialised in Microsoft Technologies for digital consulting, business analytics and performance management, has been rewarded as Business Intelligence Italian Partner of the Year during the Worldwide Partner Conference ceremony that has taken place in Orlando.

The award represents a prestigious recognition for Porininsight that has distinguished itself for the excellence of the Business Intelligence solutions based on Microsoft technology that have been planned over the year.
Microsoft appreciated the mission of Porininsight to support management in adopting and developing excellent practices aimed at improving decision-making systems and of corporate governance, using the technology and innovation to set up appropriate instruments to the pursuit of strategic goals.

Porini announces the availability of a new suite of products. This suite extends and complements the already huge set of specific business functionalities provided by Apparel&Textile for Microsoft Dynamics AX (the long established vertical solution Porini sales through a network of highly qualified partners and system integrators).

This new fully integrated suite covers the area of retail (Cocai Retail ​Azure POS), CRM (Analytics and Social CRM for Fashion and Retail) and BI (pre-predefined data cubes based on fully standard Microsoft technologies and components).

The flexible and modular combination of these products, available on premise and in the cloud (Microsoft Azure), offered by a single ISV vendor and through a partner network is a brand new paradigm in the software arena.

The new suite will be officially presented during the International Partner Meeting in Barcelona, November the 3rd.

Tag Archive for: Microsoft Power BI