
Porini è fiera di annunciare di aver conseguito un altro grande traguardo nel Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program: abbiamo ottenuto la Cloud Security Specialization!

Con quest’ultimo riconoscimento Microsoft, Porini è:

  • Solutions Partner for Data & AI Azure – Specialist in Analytics, in AI and Machine Learning e in Build & Modernize AI Apps
  • Solution Partner for Security – Specialist in Threat Protection, in Identity and Access Management e in Cloud Security
  • Solutions Partner for Business Applications – Specialist in Low Code Application Development
  • Solutions Partner for Modern Work
  • Solutions Partner for Digital & App Innovation Azure
  • Solutions Partner for Infrastructure Azure

Continueremo a supportare i nostri clienti nell’adozione di soluzioni Microsoft per permettere loro di raggiungere risultati di successo, distinguendoci sempre per le nostre competenze.


Porini is proud to announce that we have achieved another great milestone in the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program: we have obtained the Cloud Security Specialisation!

With this latest Microsoft award, Porini is:

  • Solutions Partner for Data & AI Azure – Specialist in Analytics, in AI and Machine Learning and in Build & Modernize AI Apps
  • Solutions Partner for Security – Specialist in Threat Protection, in Identity and Access Management and in Cloud Security
  • Solutions Partner for Business Applications – Specialist in Low Code Application Development
  • Solutions Partner for Modern Work
  • Solutions Partner for Digital & App Innovation Azure
  • Solutions Partner for Infrastructure Azure

We will continue to support our customers in the adoption of Microsoft solutions to enable them to achieve successful results, always standing out for our expertise.